Chapters 6 - 10
Settled into a rehab routine

My first time leaving the hospital. In the truck heading home for my day pass on Christmas!

Taking in the wonders of my house on Christmas day with Jordan, and of course, enjoying the dog cuddles!

Ron teaching me how to play pool on Christmas day!

Playing pool with Andrew on Christmas day!

More rehab fun, playing cognitive games while weight bearing. This one always challenged me!

The games I was given during isolation to keep me occupied. I wasn't allowed to bring much to my room as the rehab equipment couldn't leave once inside so this was what my OT could come up with.

The sign my nurse made me when my isolation finally finished!

The whiteboard that my mom and I would often visit. She sent me pictures of the kind messages to me while I was in isolation.

Darts quickly became my favourite pastime. I would spend hours on the weekends playing darts while weight-bearing on my left side. The rehab assistants would call it a day but I was always able to get one more game out of them.

The pulley system. I would use my right arm to bear the weight as my left arm tried to raise and lower.

The dreaded skateboard. I hated using this but it was helpful to get my left arm to start moving.

Working my left hand and it's fine motor skills. I would use my right hand to guide my left arm to try to complete some of the patterns.

Going through photo albums that Jordan sent to me, along with my speech therapy books to re-learn my past.

My first steps!

Learning to walk without someone guiding my left leg forward.

Practicing walking the halls with a walker for support. It was not long after this that I was able to walk with no support.

The last big milestone before being sent home was learning how to do stairs. Started in the gym and then progressed to the back hallway flight. Hours were spent here going up and down.

The big day! The clap out as I left the hospital!