Chapters 11 - 14
February - May 2022

My friends and I heading into my first in-person class. Super grateful to have my support team with me!

Jordan and Andrew taking me skating... or dumping me out of my wheelchair and taking it for a joyride as they always do.

The candy bag craft we made at my half-birthday party.

Pin the tail on the dinosaur birthday fun!

The girls dinosaur costumes for my half-birthday party!

Making my first birthday wish!

The girls helping me walk on different surfaces in different footwear.

The day I got accepted into grad school!

Julia helping me walk outside the hospital after my relapse in March.

Andrew gets a little shoutout for often wearing crazy things to the bar. I am always self conscious when using my wheelchair so he would wear things like this blue wig to make people stare at him and not me.

Bella and I on one of our many trips to the bar.

Outpatient physio work. Stair taps to improve my balance.

Doing side steps during physio to strength my left leg.

Warm up at physio consisted of weight training for strength.

Mark and I ready to play a cold game of ball!

Mom and me at baseball!

Me presenting my completed undergraduate thesis poster.